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[Page 8]
The whole incident is now like a nightmare. The inhuman, uncouth, uncivilised Turk, the filthy accomodation, insufficient food, the brutal turks and the terrible uncertainty of life, made this term of prisonment one of the horrors of the whole war, which will long live in the memory of those whose misfortune it was to have to endure it, but never before did we prisoners realise more fully, what is meant by the term "Free" and protected by the Union Jack.
The above is only a brief account of our doings, some of the incidents briefly mentioned, would take pages to describe fully, and even then most people, would not believe that men could live after enduring such hardships, or that such demons as the majority of Turks were, existed in any part of the world to-day.
L.D. Richardson
1st Light Horse Regt.
[Transcriber's notes:
Aleppo – misspelt as Allepo – P. 4
Taurus Mountains – misspelt as Tauris Mountains – P. 4
Gulf of Ismidt – also spelt Gulf of Izmit – P. 7
[Transcribed by Judy Gimbert for the State Library of New South Wales]