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1. in 1802 while Dr S- was at Mill Hill confind by illness Mr S. attempted to Lessen the Dr. in the opinions of his Pupil Mr Drake & to Corrupt Mr. Drakes principles in Some important Points This was explaind & a reconciliation took place
2. in Spring 1805 at the Linnæan Society Mr S Spoke so Contemptiously on the Subject of Mr Sowerby, & the doctors Performances & of Col Hardwicks drawings that the Dr. becoming angry succeed in having Hushers preface of bein Misrepresentation Salisbury avow'd it to be his writing it Smith answerd it is not the Less False for that
3. he wrote a Review of the 7th Vol of the Linnæan Transactions in which Dr. Smiths papers are Treated in an Oblique & Sneering manner
4. he wrote in Hushers work a blundering Criticism on Sowerbys figure of nymphæ aloe & chargd Smith with Copying [indecipherable] figure Character of Eucalyptus oblique which are not tue &c
5. Salisbury wrote a Letter to Smith when at Liverpool with So much Spleen & Restraind malice &&c
6. The offensive Passage in Hushers October number
7. a Letter filld with most outrageous & ungentlemanly abuse
8. Reproaching him for [indecipherable] Linnæans Character