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1 Principal Librarian to direct all things as at present
3 Librarians to arrange, to make & keep up exact Catalogues of their respective departments to be Printed from time to time at the expense of the trust & to take charge of students Committee to them by the trustees
1 Principal attendant Librarian to be in the Library at all hours of attendance but not stationary
3 attendant Librarians for the Public Books each to be stationd in a Particular room to assist students & to watch that nothing is every thing delived out be returnd
3 Library Keepers at a guinea a week & [indecipherable] to supply students with books when required always under the orders control of the Principal & other Librarians & the directions of the attendant ones Librarians & attendant dº. to Keep notes Clean Copy Catalogues & give to & Receive from Students such books &c & they may have occasion for
2 Demonstrators to be in waiting from 10 till 4 upon Parties each party to have
3 [indecipherable] under the controll of the Principal & the orders of the Librarians at
at 100 a year each
additional expense
3 Library [keepers?] at 52 guineas each £161. 13. 0
2 Demonstraters at £100 each ----------- 200 -------
361 13 0