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List of Fruit &c Continued

Names of plants Varieties    
    Grain and Pulse Continued
Grape Vines Contd Saint Peter. Wheat Contd. Oxfordshire long Con'd
Goosberries. Amber. Rye. Summer.
" long Oval Yellow. " Winter.
" Rum Cullion. Spelt. White.
" Champaigne. " Yellow.
" Harry Green. Buck Wheat. "
" Tom of Lincoln. Barley. Lincolnshire.
" Chrystal. " Broad Con'd.
" Warrington. " Barley Big.
" Golden Drop.. Oats. Essex Whites.
" Astons Red. " Polands.
Currants. Red Dutch. " Black.
" White Ditto " Red.
" Black Beans Common Horse.
Figs Marsailles " Tecks
" Large Blue. " Sword long Rods
" White. Pease Common Gray.
". Brunswick. " Maple.
Strawberries. Scarlet. " Small Gray
" Hautboy. Taros Summer
" Alpine. " Winter.
Nutts Red Filberts. Lentils White..
" White Do. " Yellow
" Cob Nutt.    
" Hazel Do.    
Herbs & Roots Herbs & Roots Herbs & Roots Forest Trees
Liquorice Penny Royal. Common Rhubarb. Scotch Fir.
Hamburgh Parsley. Winter Savory. Tea Sage.  Spruce Do.
Salsify. Pot Marjoram. Red Do. Silver Do
Scorzonera. Lavender. Corn Sallad. Weymouth Pine.
Welch Onion. Rosemary. Black Seeded Green    } Ash.
Tarragon. Sweet Basil. Coss Lettuce } Elm.
Skirret. Angelica. Jerusalem Artichokes. Beech.
Spearmint. Double Camomile. Wormwood. Larch.
Pepper Do. Turkey Rhubarb. Roman Do. Lombardy Poplar.
Hops. Some good plants  Should be sent by a Whaler Coming here Direct     Some English Oak
      Plants and Acorns

Philip Gidley King
Sydney May  1803

Current Status: 