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[Page 7]

List of Plants &c,, Continued                                                                                    

Names of Plants. Varieties If in Common. Remarks.
  Perennial, Biannial, and Annual Flowers Contin"d.    
Zinnia. Yellow. in Common.  
Pease. Sweet Scarlet. do.  
    " Printed Lady. do.  
    " Tangier. do.  
    " Lord Ansons do.  
Indian Pink. Fine double. do.  
Carthamus. Bastard Saffron. Scarce  
Levatia. Red. do.  
French Marygold.   " in Common.  
Curled Mallow.   " do.  
Palma Christi   " do.  
Globe Amaranthus. Red. do.  
    "     White. Scarce.  
Egg Plant. Purple. do.  
    " White. do.  
Balsam Fine double. in Common.  
Love Apple.     " do.  
Honey Wort. Major. Scarce.  
Capsicum. long podded. in Common.  
    " Heart d"o. do.  
    " Ox Heart d"o. do.  
Convolvolus. Major. do.  
    " Minor. do.  
    " Scarlet. Scarce.  
Hollyhook. Chinese. in Common.  
Bladder Ketmia.     " do.  
China Aster. White. do.  
    " Red. do.  
    " Blue. do.  
    " Variegated. do.  
Larkspur. Tall Rocket. Scarce. It does not flower
so well as in Britain
    " Dwarf d"o. do.    "
    " Branching. do.  
Tobacco. Virginian. in Common.  
  Clammy. do.  
  Grass, Seeds &c".    
Clover. Red. Scarce. Is planting and
setting Plentifull.
    " White. do.  
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