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Sydney January 25th 1803


I beg to represent to your Excellency that from the Ill state of health which Lieut Colonel Paterson has for some time first laboured under, that I have been under the necessity of requesting the undermentioned Medical Gentlemen would attend and give me their opinion concerning him (Which are) that He should not for some time busy himself with any Public Concern, but keep in as easy and tranquil a State as possible for the reestablishment of his health -

I have the honor to be
Your most Obedient
humble Servant
signed John Harris
Surgeon NS Wales Corps -

signed / 
Thms. Jamison - Esq.r Principal Surgeon -
Jas Milehams Esq.r Assist.t -----dº
Geo; Bass ---Esq.r - Navy Surgeon
J. Willson Surg.n H.M.S. Porpoise

The Excellency Gov.r King
&c     -     &c     -     &c     -

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