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I did not meet with the Wienmannia in Edinb: shall send the Breadnut Wood Specimen soon for Mr Franklin and I hope he will have many others next Summer from Jamaica. Please to deliver the Prints and the Appendix Plantarm to Mr Henderson who will send them to Edinb: I dare say you have ascertained all of them that was possible ere now.
I beg my Complimts and best wishes to Dr Solander. Your and his politeness to me has made a deep Impression on my Heart. I am with much gratitude and Respect
Dear Sir
Your most obedt Servt
Willm Wright.
When you are so good as write to me, inclose yours in a Cover address'd to Mr J Caw D [deputy] Secretary of Excise - he is my friend, pays no postage and will transmit my Letters wherever I may be.
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