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down & prince Ernests or the Nursery House also, with Mr. Smelts Browns Lady Char. Finchs & all in that Neighbourhood & we dont know where they will stop, I see in the papers to day that eight Houses at Richmond belonging to His M. are to be sold by private contract by Mr. Kent & Co. - The Colony from Richmond Lodge are to be settled at Kew, & that is now going on, & the Buildings there are taking down very fast & it is ordered no more crops are to be put into Richmond Kitchen Garden it is also to come away in Autumn: you anticipated all this & it is now substantially realized.
I have seen Dr Martyn who is highly gratified by Your offering James [Donn?] to Him, You have made James happy in the extreme by getting Him the appointment, & I am proud the University will have from Kew Garden a Man deserving their protection, & who will I am convinced do credit to your recommendation, & Pelham only will be vex'd by it; He wrote me to know whether you had offerd a man from Kew, & as it was well known round London you had, I did not attempt to conceal the Truth. He seemed satisfied you could have no Idea that He would would put up for it, & I did not attempt to convince Him otherwise.
I beg to offer my Mothers grateful respects & Sincere wishes for your Heath [indecipherable]
Your ever obliged Obedt. Servt.
W T Aiton
30 Augt. 94