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expect from the two Colonial ships will I hope make us quite comfortable.
The Providence bound for Nootka, came in here a few days before the Govr. and remained six weeks, Capt. Broughton, and all his ships company were in good health, they saild the 13th Inst.
It gives me great happiness to find that the few specimens I sent you were acceptable. I hope before this that you have also received the Drawings &c sent in charge of Lieut. Col. Grose. Since his departure my health has been much impaird, whether it has been occasioned by my anxiety or any other cause I know not but lately a complaint has settled in my eyes, which has nearly deprived me of the use of one of them, and at this moment I am under the necessity of writing you by proxy. I have to return you my most grateful acknowledgements for your kind offers to serve me. I think in the present instance I have some small claim on