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delivered me up a Prisoner &c &c - These infamous reports were spread at the time of the Court Martial by the Friends of the Prisoners.
Morrison's accounts are made up of vile falsehoods which no body will dare to publish or sustain, that I will venture to say; and as I told you my Dear Sir, my unexpected return has been the effectual means of putting a Stop to the Malicious insinuations which I have been informed these People were frequently inserting in the publick Prints
Had Mr. Christian found he was in the right in justifying his Brothers Character I suppose the World would have heard of it before this time in a fair & open manner. -
It will give me extreme pleasure to see you on your return to Town and with my best respects to Lady & Miss Banks I remain my Dear Sir
Your most obliged & very
Affectionate Hhble Servant
Wm Bligh
I hear the utmost success attends the Plants both at St. Helena & in the West Indies but I have only learnt this by conversing wth People who came from thence. -