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Durham Place Lambeth
October 26th 1805
My Dear Sir
Your kind letter of the 8th Instant reached me in due time, and from that moment have been expecting my first order to proceed, but my ship is not yet got round to Spithead. I can assure you I have followed your advice & indeed know of no instance where I have been either fretful or peevish but have looked up to Mr. Cooke & Marsden, and consider them very much disposed to render me all the good then can. I think Mr. Cooke has been very zeelous [zealous], and my Lord Camden in my interview with him was benevolent in every thing he said and without those two Friends perhaps the Admiralty would have succeeded in seperating [separating] the Naval command from the Government & perhaps rendered my getting my very doubtfull [doubtful] - that
Oct. 28