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circumstance, altho it would be a great comfort to me to procure a little affluence. It has been thought I made rich in my last Voyage when I did very different to Sir Hume Popham, for I carried the Ships out & home, & all the Naval expences amounted only to 30 Dollars, and I promise you that the same fidelity will unavoidably complete my conduct through life.
We sailed last Wednesday (Yesterday) at one in the morning, and I have written this to go by the first opportunity that offers; it should have come by the following Post, but for this sudden departure. Samuel Cornwallis has left us & I hear that Lord Gardner is to take the Command - at present it is with Sir Chas. Cotton with 17 Sail of the Line. Once more excuse my importunities as I ever am
My Dear Sir
With the greatest Regard
Your faithful and affectionate humble Servant
Wm. Bligh
The moment I hear from Mrs Bligh I will write to you.
March 29th at Night off Ushant
My Dear Sir
I thought it very probable I should have been able to have sent this letter to you in a day or two, but such is our situation that I have had no opportunity. The only conveyance I believe has been to the Commander in Chief as we saw the Terrible leave us to my mortification on the 24th without my being able to send on board of her. This evening we observe a Lugger from the Fleet, & I hope the Admiral will send in dispatches tomorrow, and give us an opportunity of sending letters by her also. I am induced to think this, as on Wednesday we saw the enemy 22 Sail of the Line and three Frigates advanced out to Bertheaume Road where they were at Anchor, apparently ready for a push. We prepared for Battle, & some of our advanced ships got near them; but the fleet could not come up before dark and being obliged to get out to Ushant again, we have not been able to get near