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I by no means complain of you not making 'politics' a subject of your Letter, - I read enough in the newspapers, to make me lament the follies and dangers besetting my country, and working within and from without, to effects, & consequences, - which the speculative Historian of Athens dreads almost to investigate:- I wish our statesmen would stick up in their Cabinets, the Golden rules of Fielding's Jonathan Wild the Great, - and read - "never enter in a business, you do not clearly see to the end of,"- Napoleon is certainly possessd of, and acts upon Wildes Maxims,- and in the case of l'Enghein & others on that of -"mischief is too precious a thing to throw away, - never committ 'murder, unless necessary to your safety or service".- how well you are situated out of all this, - fixd in your chair of learned preheminence, and providentially directed] - ["doctrince Templa
Fueri despiere unde queas alios, passinque vidare,
Errare, atque vias palantes Quaesere vitce;
certare ingenio, contendere Nobilitate?] - &c. &c.
-These lines lead me to thanks for your accountof the Club, which is of real interest to me:- dont let in politicians - I am not such a democrat - as to object to Lords, provided they are worthy, idle, reading, Lords - as M--. or can contribute information from travel & information as Lord V- . - and even for politicians I would except- for one, i.e. for myself- "a mere state-Heraclitus