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Warboys Febry 23d - 1808
Dear Sir
Before I left Lincoln I made it my Business, agreeably to yr. Request, to procure all the Information I cou'd relative to the Removal of the leaden Spires from the western Towers of the Cathedral. I am not competent to answer one leading Question - viz. How far a Chapter of Canons possess any inherent Righ to remove or destroy any integral part of the Cathedral committed to their Charge? as such Right probably may depend upon some Clause in their Statutes empowering them so to do, if that part be so much out of Repair as to endanger the rest of the Structure, shd [should] it be suffered to stand: - whch [which] Statutes are never submitted to the perusal of any persons except to those who have a power to command the production of them. But at all Events the Dean & 3 Residentiaries who constitute the Capitulum minus