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5 wounded, whilst the Enemy lost above 60 Horsemen.  Amongst those Slain was a certain Officer of Rank. A Flag of truce came to request his Body, which was granted and afforded an opportunity of Gen. Cookes sending a message to Hyder, That he had been informed C Baillie & his officers were in Irons, which he hoped was not true.

         This place is really distressed for Rice, which altho served out reasonable i.e. 2 pence per lb or thereabouts, yet that number is so great, many are not served.  Fowls are 2 for a Pagoda. 

          Ld. McArtney is arrived & to day the King's letter to the Nabob was read in my hearing, a War with Holland was mentioned, & punishment denounced on some late Directors Governors.

         Our fleet is at Cuddalore & in excellent order, 5 of the Line, a few Ships and 2 Frigates, it is said G. Cooke has taken Chillumbrim.

         This letter goes by a Danish Ship.

         Our situation is bad, we must certainly take Negapatam wh. will procure us 500 good Recruits at least.for the Germans will all inlist as they did so at Chinsura [Chinsurah] in the Dutch affair to a Man,


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