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Gov.r Bligh soon saw the unhappy Situation in which he was placed. He was convinced that if he allowed the Barter of Spirits, the labouring Class would continue in ruin & distress, and the general welfare of the Colony would be sacrificed : and to attempt to prohibit this Barter, would be dangerous. I had frequent Conversations with him on this Subject, and told him It would be a dangerous attempt, tho' the time would arrive when the distresses of the Colony would compell those in Authority to adopt this measure.
After I left the Settlement Governor Bligh dared to issue an order, prohibiting the Barter of Spirits, from the moment I saw the order I was convinced that he could not carry it into Execution, and was very apprehensive for the Consequences. I knew well, that by doing this he had risqued his Government, Character and all that could be dear to him. I remember mentioning my fears to you when I had the Honor of seeing you in Town. An Officer now in London informed me, that since the Governor was in Arrest, Ninety Houses had been opened in the Town of Sydney ; eight & twenty