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Draft of Flinders' Introduction - See Peel's letter
The Voyages made during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by Dutch and English navigators, brought to light different portions of a body of Land in the Southern Hemisphere, of an extent so vast, that geographers were disposed to allow to their collective claim, the appellation of Continent. The continuity of these widely extended countries was, however, a subject of doubt with many; for our knowledge of some parts of the coasts was not founded upon well authenticated information, and of some others we were in total ignorance. Thirteen years had elapsed since the establishment of a British colony upon these shores; and the question of their continuity was, therefore, not only of much geographical importance, but, in point of interest, seemed entitled to national consideration
To clear up all uncertainty, by a general and accurate investigation of the whole surrounding coasts; - to advance the progress of natural knowledge in various branches; - to open fresh fields for commerce, and new ports to seamen; the following voyage ; was undertaken by order of His Majesty's Government, in a ship which received the name of the Investigator
The vast region which formed the principal object of this voyage, comprehends, in its western part, the early discoveries of the Dutch, under the name of New Holland; and on the east, the coasts explored by British navigators, and named New South Wales. It has not been unusual, of late years, to designate under the first of these appellations, the whole of these immense tracts of land; but it would be almost as unjust to the British nation, which has had