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Copy of a Letter from Capt. Blith to the Governor & Council
Providence Decr. 25th. 1792
I am now to acknowledge the Receipt of you Letter dated the 24th. Instant, and to assure you
I am impressed with the strongest sense of honble Distinction you have shown to me. I shall at every opportunity in my Life be ready to Render service to your Government which our most gracious King has shown such a peculiar Mark of his Favor to may you live to see a happy Result of the Labours to serve the Island with the inestimable Fruits
I have the honor to be &c
To the honble Governor
and Council
Copy of a Paragraph of the Public Letter to the honbl. court of Directors
"We should have thought it our Duty to have offered the two Botanists Mr Smith and Mr Wild [Wiles]some gratuity in your Name for their very great Care and Attention in respect to the Plants brought here, for their Advice and Assistance in planting and in directing us how to rear them as also for the Care they have personally taken in attending to the prosperity of those of this Island which they suppose may prove useful or ornamental in the West India Islands or in his Majestys Gardens in England but in taking into Consideration that those very intelligent and useful Men were on their Return Home, where your honors might possibly think it proper to reward them in a more liberal Manner than we could presume to do we conceiv'd it best to rest satisfied meerly with returning them our thanks