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Portsmouth Nov 9th.1799
Dear Sir -
It was my intention to have come to Town for no other reason than to have paid my respects to you, previous to my departure; but the consequence of a severe cold caught in the damp storehouses at this place, has hitherto put it out of my power; and as the Speedy Whaler is expected round here, the first fair wind, It is probable the Wind that brings her round, will be that with which the convoy will sail, As they only wait the ships from the towns.
You will Sir, have been informed by Capt Schank, what has been, & what remains to be done to the Lady Nelson; I do not doubt but you will be able to settle it at the Admlty for Flinders to have the Command of her - I wish it was earlier in the year, but if she turns out as good a Sea Boat, as Capt Schank thinks she is, there is no great fear of her getting out safe, & when there, she certainly will be a most useful Vessell - The Young man who takes her out, I am told is a very good seaman; but no Artist beyond the Old [indecipherable] -- I have wrote to Cayley by this post, to come down, that he may not be left behind -
The Garden on board the Old Porpoise
Rt Hnble Sir J. Banks, KB.
Novr. 9