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& from what trial I have made of the Bra flour I think it is much better than the Indian Corn, I intend to Cultivate about 7 Acres of Ground with this valuable Grain.
The Sugar Cane thrives remarkably well I have sent to Government a small sample of the Sugar, Molasses & Rum that has been made from it, An Acre of Cane is now planted out besides many hedges which are Growing, having nothing else to hedge with, Should a Ship come out fitted in the Manner the Guardian was, Some [Quick?] will be very acceptable, I do not think the Hop will ever reach this Country, it must be confined & that will make it spindle too much, however should an Opportunity of that kind occur I think a trial may be made of it.
With every respectfull wish for your health & that of Your family I am
Dear Sir
Obliged Humble Servt.
Philip Gidley King