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we have no news of the Lady Nelson yet, she was left at the Cape by the Porpoise, but I fear the Commander did not get the orders to pass through Basses Straits from the Western end before he sailed - If it should be so I shall dispatch him in this service, as soon as possible she can be fitted after her arrival & commision was sent out to me by the Porpoise to command the Reliance but as both that ship & the Buffalo are gone home, I have appointed my self to the Command of the Porpoise which I hope will be confirmed & I will be obliged to you to speak about it at the Admiralty - Cayley has nothing to send by the Conveyance indeed if he had, it is such a random shot that I should not forward it - A good opportunity will present itself about May or June in a returning vessel until when I beg to subscribe myself
Dear Sir
Your much obliged Hble Servt
Suter [Suttor] is looking out for a situation in the mean time he is comfortably lodged