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3 Portsea St. G. Sq
Octr 14th 1799
I am so much impressd with what I have heard from the Master of the Porpoise. as well as any one else who saw her on her Voyage round that I have written a letter to S[ir].A.H. [Andrew Hamond] of which the enclosed is a rough Copy which I [indecipherable] you will not be able to decypher - I [indecipherable] sanguine idea that the proposal will be acceeded to, but I hope you will you think I have not done an improper thing - except in putting you to an expence but I thought it necessary you should be informed of that I have done
I am very Respectfully & faithfully
Obliged Hble Servt
Philip Gidley King
Feb 15
I should have written a fair Copy but I am rather late for the post - May I request this Copy being returned - I will be obliged to you to mention whether the [indecipherble] has been returned? I could not tell Sir And see my Authority but the Builder told me if the business was ordered to be done it might be completed in 8 weeks ------