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3 St. Geos Sq. Portsea

Feby. 13 1799

Dear Sir                                             

I hope you received my Letter of the 11th which I am rather doubtful of as you do not mention it in yours which I received to day - As the Garden is considerably less than the 5 ton not being 4 - I conclude it will remain - perhaps the Bulwark in the Quarters being removed & light low railing in its place may amend the dankness - & if the Navy Board should judge proper to order the Cloathing from the 'tween deck, on shore here; for some other Ship to try out; then, stuff might be put onboard, to make an inclosure for the greatest part of the Plants between decks - for it will be in the passage between the Cape of Good Hope & Van Diemans Land that the removal of the Garden below, (or at least its Contents) will be an ease to the Ship, & of no detriment to the Plants - For the Ships sailing & steering so [bad?] there is no other remedy than lengthening her - I do assure you the accounts of the Masters of West Indiamen that came round under her Convoy from the Downs - presents us a gloomy

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