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May 8th - Monarch
-----23 - Nautilus
----- 29th - Lord Eldon
July 14th - Larkins
---- 26th - [indecipherable]
Augt 23 - Briton
I am preparing three large chests of Air-plants, or Orchidea or general. in a manner different from that adopted on former occasions but which I have reason to believe will secure a safe arrival to those lovely plants, of which I have a most splendid and unparalleled collection from my indefatigable and zealous old [indecipherable] Mr N. [indecipherable] at [indecipherable], and that prince of donors Mr [Gardner?]. Both the kinds of Epidendra mentioned by Sir JE. Smith in his Exotic Botany, humile praecox ([Broughlouiae?] miki) being among them I have likewise Roots of Rosacea purpurea, of Begonia picta, besides many more species of that beautiful genus, and innumerable others. I fear that the [indecipherable] of Air-plant I have sent home both this year and in 1815-16, have not succeeded; at least I have heard nothing of their fate.
I cannot conclude this letter without once more entreating you to accept of my warmest thanks for your most heart-cheering letter of the 8th April, which I value as I do every line from you more than words can properly express. I have the honor to subscribe myself, with the greatest respect,
Your most grateful and most obliged humble servant
N Wallich