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I shall be greatly flattered to be enrolled among the honourable & philosophical members of the Royal Society and accept my warmest thanks for the very kind manner in which you have anticipated my wish to become a Candidate.  As I shall not probably be in Town before the Election comes on, I shall have no opportunity of making any personal application to the Electors, yet I flatter myself when my character comes to be canvassed, it will not discredit those Members that do me the Honor to step forward to my Recommendation.  I wrote on my arrival at Oxford to my very worthy friend Lightfoot - But as I have received no answer expect he is not at Uxbridge.  I beg leave to trouble you with my particular compliments to Dr Dryander whom I shall often trouble with my queries in ascertaining my doubtfull plants.  I shall be very happy to wait upon Him at Oxford & I flatter myself when any of your foreign friends visit Oxford, by speaking several of the

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