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to Public labor, in having prepar'd & Sown with Wheat 300 Acres on Govt: Account. You may be assured Sir Joseph, had those Servants of the public who had been Sufferd to disperse themselves in the manner they had, been kept together & Employd on the Public Account, Govt: woud not have had Occasion to purchase Bread for their Servants, they wou'd have rais'd it themselves, & thereby savd about £15,000 pr.An: this I am ditermind to do as soon as I have Men enough unless I shoud have fresh instructions, the Convicts now Arrivd I shall begin with. I have Submitted all these Considerations to His Majesty Minister. At any rate, & any way which Government May ditermind, I am already from what I have Seen Convinc'd. that this Colony is by proper Management, Capable of Arriving at a State of Comfort to its inhabitants & respectability & advantage to its Mother Country. We are certainly Conveniently Situated in the present Political State of Europe, We have at all times been Sufficiently acquainted with the intimacy & connection between the French & Spaniards, ever to have dependence on the professions of the latter. I might say either, & it is now Supposd that Spain our Friend & Ally the other day, will espouse the Cause of the French against us. A Squadron of light active Ships of War coud rendezvous here & be ready to direct their Operations against either the West Coast of America, or Co Operate with a Forse from the East Indies in annoying their Phillipian Islands