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Sydney New South Wales
March, 30th 1797
Dear Sir
By the Ship Britannia which Saild from hence directly for England 29th Septr. last I did myself the honor of writing you all I coud think of which might afford you any new information relative to our Concerns here, I sent also by that Conveyance a Small Box of fresh Seeds with dried Specimens of the Plants; I inform you of the discovery of our long lost Cattle, and my having Visited the part of the Country to which they had retir'd, and to which it is my intention if I keep my health, to make a Journey every Winter, that I may have an opportunity of Marking their increase. This past Summer has been intensly hott & dry with Much thunder & Lightning, by which on the same day both our Flagstaff at South Head & that at Sydney were Rent to pieces & scattered about. The Country has been in a continual Blaze for some time past & much Mischief has been done by those Extensive & dreadfull conflagrations; a considerable quantity of Wheat, both of Public & private property has been consum'd, & some of the dwellings Houses & Barns of Settlers intirely destroy'd, such has been the rapidity with which in fresh Winds the flames ran over the parchd grounds & communicated to the very tops of lofty Woods, and afforded a prospect beautifully Awful; the Grass or Pasture has been so much destroy'd that we are now oblig'd to feed our Live Cattle on Corn, this you will say is no bad Sign when we afford to do that without any
July 9 1790
March 1 99
Sir Joseph Banks /Kit3/