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indeed treat him as they please - if he loses his life, they must answer for his blood, where those who have occasiond it may possibly report when it is too late.  Nor are they very certain, but a time may come, when they likewise may wish for the assistance of those whom they seem to hold very cheap indeed at present.  But I want not to incense, I wish to have it my power to commend their consideration.  I gave leave to my Gardener John Manson to come down to Oxford and to call upon me here.  He returned well satisfied with his journey, brought with him several things which he had not at home, and even condescended to pick up a few articles, from my little stock in this place.  Our soil culture suits the hardier herbaceous North American plants; they are here so vigorous that he scarcely knew many of his old acquaintance.  Our soil is stiff clay, I add a large proportion of black turf earth, these together make a rich and not binding soil. The [indecipherable] Canadense is now about 9 feet high - and many others alike gigantish in their kind.  The Thermoter one day got to 67 within doors, it has often been at 57 and seldom gets to 62 - so that we are cold enough.  Ice has been seen here within these 4 days a long season rememberd.

I have only room to repeat my best wishes,  

J Fothergill


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