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But as it touches upon some points, which I have not directly mentiond, having avoided particulars as much as possible, it may perhaps not be altogether improper.  If this should by thy opinion, be so obliging as to send it inclosd with the proof sheet, after it has been looked over, to Jas. Phillips, Printer in George Yard Lombard Street, with directions to send a revise to Burlington Street and another he may leave at my home, which will be forwarded to me from thence.  I have only three or four days longer to stay at this place, and must then undertake a journey with some others, thro part of Lancashire & Yorkshire, but my people at home will generally know where to direct to me.

I should be very happy to know if my request has had any effect upon Lord Sandwich and that the poor man is released.  I was charged with this Solicitation by the society and I should be very sorry to inform them that neither they nor I have weight enough to get one poor man discharged, one who cannot possibly be of use to them.  They may 

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