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H. M. Armed Surveying Vessel Lady Nelson
Sydney Cove Augt. 23d 1801
Dear Sir
I Begg leave to acquaint you of the safe and prosperous arrival of the Lady Nelson - Through the Straits which seperates Vandiemans Land from New Holland - The Northern side of which I sailed along & brought the Eye Sketch in with me (but only the Eye Sketch) of the Coast. I have since returned & Obtained the Survey of the Coast from Wilsons Promontory to Western Port & also the Survey of that Harbor & since that the Survey of the Greatest part of Hunters River - of which you will hear much. In the last I was accompanied by Lt Colonel Paterson who I suppose writes you by the same opportunity. The Natural Productions of this place both Animal, Vegetable & Mineral are great & Wonderful. I have sent you my Dear Sir a few productions from Western Port & Hunters River & Box containing Minerals in the Care of Dr. Balmain from this Country. Also a West India Pilot which is the only book I had fitt for the purpose
March 28, 02