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there is about sixty pounds wages due. A specimen of humanity towards a boy that has got neither father or mother!!!

As it is very probable that you will see some of the officers of the ship, if any thing should be said about this boy, that he is in any want, let me beg the favor of you to advance a little money towards supplying his wants, and placed to my account.

I have just had some discourse with a native about the Porcupine anteater. I have questioned him much about its mode of generation, but he always stood to one thing, viz, that it produced its young alive. I am certain that a good english terrier would readily hunt them out, but these are not easily to be procured here. I had the misfortune to have a terrier killed by a lunatic when on board the Porpoise, I had reared him from a pup, & he was just arrived at the age to begin to hound, and I was taking him with me for that purpose. This would be a matter of no great consequence in England, yet here it is a greater than I shall be able to replace as long as I remain in the colony.

I am your most obedient
and humble servt

G Caley

August 9th 1803

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