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I hope you will pardon me for troubling you with a few lines of a contrary nature to you might expect to hear from me, but believe me sir it is humanity that has urged me. A little boy happened to have the misfortune to lose his father on the passage to this Colony, by falling overboard. He was in the service of Government as a superintendant of the weaving business. On this doleful accident Governor King said he would take care of the boy: and who has lived with me almost ever since he came into the Colony. Having informed what few relations he had got of the circumstance, an uncle has expressed a wish that he might not remain here; and as an opportunity has offered by the return of the Porpoise, I have thought proper to send him. His father having many trifling articles which have fell into my hands, and which have proved very useful to me in travelling in the woods. In short, I have made a poor progress in my pursuit, but had it not been for what I have just mentioned, I should have made still worse. As an acknowledgement that in case the boy should be in want of anything on the passage, or on his arrival in England, I wished to defray such expence. But on making application to the Governor, he refused to furnish me with such supply. Though His Excellency said he would take care of the boy, yet he has not given him the least assistance, exclusive of his rights, and not even that, since he has been in the Colony and not even so much as mentioned anything of his father's affairs, though to all appearance
July 14 09