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Mr Caley

Whoever told you that I said I was angry with you was mistaken I never said so because I never felt myself angry with you.

I told you when first I wrote to you that unless you could gain your livelyhood as a gardener while you Learned the names of the Plants cultivated in the Gardens here I did not mean to undertake to get you employment as a botanical traveller I put you in the same situation as Aiton, Lee & Dickson & Masson were when they were of your age each all of them found their livelyhood in the Gardens while they learned without complaining.

No person is appointed to go to Botany bay in your stead the man who is going by my recommendation is the son of a market Gardener who knows nothing of Botany & means to settle there as a Farmer with his wife & and has no appointment.

How you can be usefull as a Botanical Traveller to send home seeds & Plants from thence till you have made yourself acquainted with those that are already in England I do not know, it would be useless to send over things already here and we have already now some hundreds of Plants from thence of you might certainly discover some dying drug or Plant whose qualities are usefull to Trade or Medicine for your own benefit & advantage but unless you make  yourself are able to benefit your employers as well as your self how can you expect employment.

You are certainly very eminently capable of searching the woods with diligence & advantage for Dying Drugs & other matters likely to prove usefull to manufacture if the gentlemen of Manchester will make a contribution to maintain you for that purpose. I will subscribe myself & also I will use my best influence with government to send you out & I have 

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