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As I first begun with Botany or noticing plants in their wild state, I shall never [indecipherable] from it, though I have a great love for plants in a cultivated state; for I have found by experience, that many cannot be ascertained in their wild state. I know very well that persons that work in Bot. Gar. learn plants habitually, and know them by being local to one place; indeed, there are many plants in Chel. Gar. that I know in the same manner that I should not know elsewhere unless I was to see them in flower.
It has long been a thought of mine that those that were travelling or stationed in foreign parts as collectors of plants might improve commerce, but, I find little attention has been paid to so laudable a branch. I have heard it said that the chief of the plants were known and sent from Botany Bay, and that few remained to be discovered, such idle talk I could not bear to hear; but it plainly shews that the gayer coloured ones are only noticed, for, if that valuable plant hemp was unknown and grew there, it most probably never would be found out for to be of any utility till by being observed by chance. If I should be so fortunate as to gain my long wished expectation, I intend to fulfill those questions that I asked in a letter dated Novr 97. I hope Sir, you will consider the time that I have spent and the eagerness that I have expressed to you for to go into a foreign part. I do not wish for any more interest than what merit will entitle me to. I fear no clime nor country whatever. If I should fall a victim by my own energies, I'll spill my blood as dear as ever I can.
I remain with the highest regard your most devoted and humble servant
George Caley
July 12th 1798.