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thing that I could make money of. I might also make a trifle from Specimens of plants and other matters; likewise from gaining as much materials as I was able towards Flora, or Natural History of the country. From medicinal and dying drugs, with other objects to improve commerce etc. I could make nothing of from the public at large, these matters could not be brought to perfection at so far distance from home, but I should equally collect them as well as other matters. For [indecipherable] anything of these could not be done without the aid of Government.

The Cape of Good Hope, for all it has been often visited by eminent Naturalists, I durst engage upon the same footing. Here goods might be took from England to sell or barter with the inhabitants, which could not be done in New South Wales. Many parts of America would equally suit for this purpose. If we reckon up the Stone and Greenhouse plants, we find the former to be by far less numerous than the latter, this shews that the torrid zone has not been so well explored as the temperate ones, or else it is by far less productive than the other, but I think I may venture to say, it is oweing for want of being examined. We do not find many plants to come from Guinea, for all there is such a traffic carried on there by Europeans. Upon what I have said, I would as soon engage Guinea, or that part which lies between the two tropics (which is also called Guinea by merchants) as any other part for the following circumstances; firstly I think it has not been properly examined, secondly, it affords a good opportunity of transmitting things to England; thirdly, a traffic might be carried on with the inhabitants; fourthly, it being nearer than the other places. There are many other places that would answer this purpose. As some people follow this employment, and gain seemingly a good livelihood by it, makes me to mention it to you. Nay, I should like full as well to go into foreign parts by this method as any other, for then it would be same as working task work. If others can gain a maintenance by it, I think I could, for I flatter myself (or at least I fancy so) that I know manufactured goods and plants as well as them. I have seen English plants brought over by a collector on this subject.

I am your obedient servt

George Caley 

Strangeways,  Nov 11th 1798.

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