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Saldanha Bay 31 Janr: 1794


As opportunities I believe will be but few this season, for Sending home Seeds, I have taken the occasion by an old aquaintance [acquaintance] Mr. Bisset a Merchant of the Island Madeira to transmitt [transmit] a small box of Seeds containing about fifty sorts.  He is passenger on board the American Ship Hercules bound to Ostend, but was drove out of the F.[False] Bay by the S.E. wind and put into Saldanha bay.  I have sent two small collections this Season one by way of St. Helena to be forwarded by the Governor, and another by Mr: Myer of Kew passenger in a Genoese also bound to Ostend.  I have had no letters from England for near two years and am at a loss how to act.  My intention was to have come home last year, but every Ship that touched here was full of Passengers.  I shall wait two months longer to hear the State of affairs in Europe of we are yet ignorant.

I have the Honor [honour] to be we
great respect yours
Frans: Masson

May 27 1794

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