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[Page 5]

An Inventory of Articles sold, belonging to the late Daniel Burton deceased

Mr. Harris Acct, Cash paid

Box with Shoe makers Tools                                  £1.1s.0d.

John Limeburners Acct. Cash paid

Quantity of Coloured Thread  
Two Pieces of Tape, One Card of Shirt Buttons      
Two papers of Needles  
Five Balls of Worsted & Thirteen Hanks  
Lady's Pocket Book £0.8s.0d.

William Whiteings Acct. Cash paid

Twelve yards of Calico                                           £1.13s.0d.
Seventeen Chickens £1.8s.0d.
[Total] £4.10s.0d.

Lieutenant Beckwiths on Captain Nepeans Acct.

Four yards of Trish Linnen  
For the half of a Sole purchased by Mr Cummings £3.8s.0d.
A large Chest, One Tea pot & Two Earthen plates  



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