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his piece on the ground, & his hand on the muzzle, the piece went off, & the whole charge was forced up the Arm as high as the Elbow. The inflammation wh. took place before those who were with him could get him into Parramatta, prevented any operation being performed, & a mortification taking place, he died the thirteenth day of April, six days after the accident happened. When I saw him (the evening before he died) he was very collected, & on my asking him what relations he had, his answer was - "If I die Sir Joseph Banks knows my family, & my intentions towards them - I have Brothers, & a Father & Mother - I wish every thing to be sent to Sir Joseph Banks for my Father & Mother."

I have therefore inclosed you a Bill for the amount of what his Effects sold for, (Thirty eight pounds six shillings) it is drawn by Captain Nepean on Messrs. Cox & Greenwood, & I suppose something may be done from the Treasury, which 

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