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Vern. Harris there. He came out per car, Hills & Jessie & 3 other sisters went to Cairo with us & we left them at Opera Square, did some shopping & then Jessie, Hills, Vern, Ben, & I went for a spin to the pyramids, went through one of the tombs, Jessie & Hills had their fortunes told came back to St James for dinner & then to a concert at the Anzac Hostel which was very good. Hill had to be back at 6.30 so we took her back & brought Parsons in her place to dinner, we drove back to Abbassia in gharries; I found out today & Cobb & I arrived back at the Hospital at 9 oclock instead of 10 last night, by mistake; Ben had a pass till 10.30 tonight but it was after eleven when we got back;

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