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Sat 2nd
At 8.30 this morning a dozen Australian belonging to the Camel Corps passed this camp escorting one Bedouin on a camel & several on foot, making for Head Qrs at Mazar. This morning I sent Les Olson to bring out to Mazar to bring along 8 miles of wire & a bundle of flag poles sent on by train, he arrived back with the poles but said there is no wire there, so that means a trip for me tomorrow. Lt. Garbett & Maj. Irwin went out today (East) & were within 12 miles of El Arish & could see the spire in El Arish. A Turkish Outpost patrol went within half a mile of them & quite close to one of our Outposts who have received orders not to fire on them, we believe there are about 8,000
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