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Another popular and picturesque personality at the Engineering School was George F. ("Geordie") Sutherland, a distinguished graduate of the Imperial College of Science, who lectured us two or three mornings a week on Mechanical Engineering Design and supervised our afternoon work on this subject in the big drawing office.

He had a tremendous Tyneside accent, was always very serious and was never facetious.  Up to a point, he was exceptionally patient with noisy students in the back seats, but on two occasions he was impelled to rush up the side of the room and reprimand the offenders; on returning to his dais he then rather awkwardly apologised for having told them off; the wondcer was that he had not done so much sooner.

He was a good teacher, and usually made his calculations on the blackboard with the aid of a gigantic black wooden slide-rule, placed where all could read it.

Though a shy and retiring sort of man, Sutherland was a great worker for the Undergraduates Union for years; in fact he was outstanding, of all the teaching staff, in this regard.

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