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On the 6th., two R.E.8s engaged in reconnaissance, were attacked by four Albatros Scouts which dived on them from behind. One of the enemy aircraft was hit during the dive. He glided down to his aerodrome with his engine off. The remainder were driven off.
On the same day, two BE12As on photographic reconnaissance, were attacked by three enemy scouts of the Albatros type. One BE12A had great difficulty in shaking a Scout off his tail, so eventually had to spin down. The scout did not follow so the second BE12A also spun down to join the first. The enemy scouts did not again attack. Our machines were considerably damaged in this encounter but landed safely at their aerodrome.
On the 8th. a Bristol Fighter escorting a bombing formation met and engaged an enemy two-seater-machine. The R.A. was driven down and landed at TINER. Shortly afterwards the pilot of the Bristol saw a hostile scout preparing to attack one of the bombing machines. The Scout was taken by surprise by a burst fired by the Bristol at close range. He immediately dived but could not out-distance the Bristol which dived down behind him. After the second burst from the front gun of the Bristol the E.A. caught fire and was seen to strike the ground near HULEIKAT in a sheet of flame.
During the week a considerable amount of photography has been done, the area photographed being principally the RUSHDI and KAUWUKAH SYSTEMS. A series was also taken of the defences North of the WADI HESI.
No. of photographic reconnaissances - 11
No. of negatives registered - 253
No. of prints turned out. - 1863
67 Squadron - 233 hours 19 mins.
111 Squadron – 133 hours 35 mins.
Total - 366 hours - 54 mins.
(Signed) A.E. BORTON, Lieut-Colonel
Commanding 40th. Wing,
Royal Flying Corps.