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[Page 13]

I paid a brief visit to the front line which was then at Nalin in the hills (7th L.H. in occupation) & also to a brief visit to Jerusalem was made but my further itinerary should take me over the old battle grounds before mentioned as it was considered by G.O.C. most important that these should be recorded pictorially being as you know the scenes of fighting where the Anzac Australian & New Zealand troops did conspicuous work. This work then was proposed & recommended to me by the by the G.O.C. to me as the representative of the Commonwealth pictorial records in Egypt & Palestine in conformity with the mission or responsibility imposed upon me by the Commonwealth through Australia House. There would be no necessity for G.O.C. to write you on this subject the plan being made & carried out in accordance with the wording of the Contract "Past Present & Future Operations" you will remember.

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