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Wednesday, 2nd July
Arrived in Port Philip late last night and are now anchored opposite Queenscliffe awaiting med. Inspection. After taking our Temperatures the Doctor allowed us to proceed. We Berthed at Port Melbourne and were allowed shore leave from 2.00 P.M. till midnight. Melbourne was very busy. I seen 4 street accidents in as many hours. Terrible lot of Drunks among the returned Soldiers, plenty also nips & Bums. Our mob got awfully Drunk. God alone knows how most of them found the ship again. A few didn't and were left behind. Among the Boozers the Tunnellers were an easy first. They sat up arguing nearly all night and then got up at Day Break and woke the mob up to apologise to them for the row they had made on the previous night, this later stage was worse than the first. I might mention that the Tunnellers were only billetted with us to take the place of the Vics. who left and as they were not issued with Blankets or Hammocks they calmly annexed ours. As our fellows came in through the night they were howling for the scalps of the thieves. It reminded me of who has.

Thursday, 3/7/19
We left Melbourne at 7.30, stopped at Quarantine on the way out to have another suck at a thermometer, and arrived outside Sydney Heads some time during Friday night.

Saturday, 5.7.19
After standing on and off during Friday night

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