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An M.P. who carried his badge in his Breast pocket pulled me up in Charleroi today & asked to have a at my Pay Book. This is the first time I have been stopped by a M.P. without his arm badge on. It is a good idea because previously the Shrewdies could always see an M.P. some distance off & Hop it while the going was good.

Went to the Concordia to see the "Dinkum & Blue" Diamonds. Very poor show. While coming home I was passing a Motor Car, a M.P. called on the Driver to stop, he took no notice, the M.P. called once more & then fired two shots from his Revolver, one shot went through the Bonnet and damaged the Engine. This took place in a crowded street. I don't know whether I have mentioned it before but two Aussie Deserters have been shot in Estaminet brawls since I have been here. Some of our "strays" have been "Holding up" people & even Estaminets with Revolvers.

25-3, Tuesday
Blew out the Murray-Prior combination twice last night but have a strong suspicion that the first game was not genuine. Company had to Parade today owing to the Slack Gaurds they have been putting up lately. We are to parade twice a week untill there is an improvement. This morning's parade was no joke. It was snowing and the wind was enough to cut a man to pieces.

Was advised today that I was on the next draft for Aussie. Seen the Q.M.

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