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the women with his rifle. Awed and dejected the generous women retired. and When I looked round they waved to me, and I noticed one woman weeping. What an awful life they must live under Hun barbarism, and cruelty. These women undoubtedly realize the awful conditions in hospitals and camps, that accounts for their persistent kindness and assistance. I continued my journey, until within a few yards of the hospital, where several Huns stopped my bearers. Whilst they jabbered a girl rushed across the street from a doorway; flung her arms about my neck and placed several biscuits and a packet of cigarettes under the blanket covering me, and then kissed me, deliberately. I cannot explain the joyous feeling and desire to express my gratitude; the girl quickly ran off without waiting for thanks. If the Hun had seen her he would assuredly have struck the child. A few minutes later, I was behind the prison walls, feeling desperately hungry, and awfully weak. Oh! what would I give for home comforts?

21ST. Although the diarrhoea had improved considerably, the suffering is hellish. If one could obtain a few books to occupy one's mind the intense monotony and starvation, would not be nearly so harrassing. Unfortunately literature is unprocurable. Not even French or German papers or books are allowed in the wards. Life is eked out in pain mentally and physically day and night. I very seldom sleep more than two hours in twenty four, and then often awaken suddenly soaked with perspiration, remembering a dream of home. That is alone sufficient to unhinge one's mind. I am however, determined to stick it.

22ND. I am beginning to realize my precarious situation, the whole thing seems a nightmare at times. During my two years and a half experience, I have never imagined myself a prisoner. I can bear pain, but hunger almost drives me insane; but it is useless trouble to worry; and the only alternative is, hang on until the last. I have often wished myself dead, but thank God that desire is quickly expelled.

23RD. Men able to walk, go through to Germany daily? Many Australians, able to get about a little, have already gone across the border. and A

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