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top of another. My wounds were very painfully severe, but not nearly so bad as several of the party, who were suffering from dangerous and painfully fractured limbs which are excessively torturing. The conveyance was drawn by two horses. The first few yards of travel passed without causing discomfort. Then our machine gunners opened a barrage of indirect fire, causing great excitement among the Huns in charge. The horses were whipped into a gallop, regardless of the wounded inside, and in such manner, we travelled over the rough cobble stone roads for nearly an hour. The cries of men in agony were awful. I suffered too much pain to notice anyting in particular as we travelled, but I remember passing several batteries camouflaged similarly to our own. His defence work does not extend beyond the village and the country is very flat for miles to the rear of the front. This insufferable journey eventually terminated by our arrival at Hun billets, approximately 10 kilometres distant from Reincourt. Shortly afterwards I was carried into an old stable and placed with many wounded Australians who were lying on the stones, awaiting surgical attention. Scores of Hun troops crowded rounds us, subsequently we were subjected to much embarrassment incurred by Hun curiosity. My boots, razor and badges were forcibly taken from me; I felt too miserable to protest so unresistingly allowed these articles to be taken. The articles were eagerly and jealously examined and appeared to afford the Hun much pleasure and interest. Many offered me cigars and cigarettes, and later we all received hot soup which was a most acceptable stimulant.
Excepting the above incident the average hun treated us decently; and with those not dangerously wounded they endeavoured to encourage conversation, that however proved futile. None of us could speak German. No doubt the Huns near the fighting Zone, realize the hardship and misery experienced, and on that account treated us fairly well whilst amongst them. (The home service man is a different type of Hun.)
By this time my feet had swollen horribly and were quite black with frostbite