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all strangers as spies, nothing to eat till 4 2 pm, then iron rations, had another sort of a feed at 1 am.

The train journey from Marsailles is just magnificent nature just runs wild – The hard work of man has made it more pleasing to the eye in the shape of fine buildings & a very fine railway. – I think I one may find scenery & country to equal, but not to excel. About 1700 men on the train, so not much comfort, can just move – had about an hours sort of sleep – Cleared up towards midday. At a Village called Advancette, situated in a valley & immediately in rear is a huge straight faced mountain & on a ledge near the top are built 3 large Crucifixes & can be seen a great distance away – on another ledge I saw a Statue of the Blessed Lady. 29/6/16 Thursday & Friday

Going some all night. My eyes are sore from trying to see too much of this lovely Southern France. Lovely roads trees planted both sides. Poplars, Plain & Fir trees. Had breakfast at 9-30 am at Nuit Sous Ravières – Dinner at Macon 2 pm – while waiting at Advancette we heard & whistle & something flew along, it was the Paris Express travelling at the rate of between 60 & 80 miles per hour. Laroche is a very important Junction & somewhere about 100 Engines

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