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4/5/16 Thursday

Very hot – Drilling on the Desert all the day. All the Division busy at their special work.

5/5/16 Friday

Very hot. Went for a march across the desert – some 6 miles & drilled a good deal – Late in the evening we were all busy preparing & cleaning gear etc for tomorrow which is to be a Review & Divisional day. We got in six wounded men from the Canal trenches, from accidental bombs exploding – one fellow had his foot blown nearly off. Also passed thro to Clearing Hospital several wounded men & Officers from Rail Head, where they had another engagement with Turks yesterday.

6/5/16 Saturday

Reveille at 3.45 pm – had breakfast & had to fall in 5 pm in full marching order. Went with the 5th Division out to the 7 mile Post near Rail Head & there had a Review day & Field manovers. Everything went off without a hitch & all the

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