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1 December 1914
Tuesday Reached Suez at 9
Sailed 6 weeks Vic

Revielle at 6
Entered the Suez Bay proper at 9 this morning & found some of the other division fleet but during the afternoon they moved into the canal. Each boat is equipped with a huge searchlight fitted to the bow of the vessel & steams only 4 knots. Suez is divided into 3 ports British French & Arab all round the coast guards are constantly on the watch for gun running. Two more British gunboats in port. Arabs come round & fruit is better than Colombo the mouth of the canal is hardly noticable only marked by a buoy. On the left of Suez is a huge slate & granite quarry with a railway attached to same. News comes to hand that Russia has surrounded the main German army & is now starving it into submission also that British officers are home on leave. Toby has his automatic pinched. Search ship on trace of it

2 December 1914
Wednesday Indian fleet arrives
14 weeks of soldiering

Revielle at 6
The first thing that greeted us while drawing feed was a huge line of ships on the horizon in about an hours time they turned out to be an Indian contingent of 21 ships escorted by a French dreadnought cruiser. The [indecipherable] are mainly regiments returning home & Indian reinforcements for the fist army. Our lamp arrives & is fitted by two French engineers & now are only awaiting the Pilot & our turn is next for the "Geelong" left last. We got our extra dose of inoculation this afternoon & is likely to prove troublesome. Boat leaves for [indecipherable] for further medicine. Corp Reid held a demonstration of hypotism & among one of his items was trying to find Toby's [indecipherable] by the aid of hypotism & he nearly did for he found a strange one. Horses are looking splendid & are now on heavy feed again expect to be unloading day after tomorrow.

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